It’s officially the month of love and so it seems appropriate to talk about chocolate and cherries. These two delicious antioxidant powerhouses not only please the palate, they also promote healthy, youthful skin.
Studies have shown chocolate to improve blood flow and vessel function, and improve the skin’s appearance overall by increasing hydration, decreasing roughness and supporting the skin’s defenses against UV damage. Cherry is high in vitamin C, and works to combat free radicals and tone the skin. (It should also be noted that chocolate is a known aphrodisiac.)
What It Is
Records trace chocolate, Cacao Crodarom or Theobroma Cacoa, to Mexico, and Central and South Americas where it was first cultivated at least three millennia ago. We use Cacao Crodarom (2% cocoa), which is a concentrated extract from the unroasted cacao beans. It delivers a high potency of polyphenols, improves skin hydration and repairs cell damage.
Cherries, which date back to prehistoric times, are classified as a fleshy stone fruit produced on many plants from the genus Prunus and native to most parts of Europe. The most common is Prunus avium, wild and sweet cherries. We use Prunus speciosa or Oshima cherry, which is native to Japan, but now cultivated in many places around the world because it produces such beautiful flowers.
How They Work
Cherries contain natural polyphenols (flavanoids), which are extremely rich in antioxidants. These work as anti-inflammatory agents, and deliver potent pro-youth abilities – fighting against free-radical damage and supporting the development of healthy skin tissue. Prunus speciosa delivers soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
Chocolate carries many of the same antioxidant and flavanoid properties, but it also delivers detoxifying support and reduces water retention, while still providing hydration to the skin. It is also a naturally occurring mood-enhancing ingredient.
Where to Find It
These two ingredients are very specific to two of our most aromatic, delicious-smelling products: the Chocolate Antioxidant Mask and Cherry Jubilee Enzyme. They also make a great team, and can be coupled in the Sweetheart Facial. This treatment is wonderful as a Valentine’s Day treat, but also great for caring for winter skin. It replenishes depleted skin, detoxifies, soothes irritations and guards against damaging environmental elements for a soft, supple texture.
For more information on cacao download the white paper on the Chocolate Antioxidant Mask.
Question: How do you get couples into your spa for a day of pampering during the month of February?