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Freezing Peptides and How They Work

Freezing Peptides and How They Work

No, freezing peptides are not frozen, nor do they work to cool or chill the skin. These dynamic peptides actually “freeze” or inhibit muscle contraction to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. But how exactly do they do this and which peptides actually provide this function?

The “Freezing” Peptide

Freezing peptides are also known as neurotransmitter peptides and the primary function is to inhibit acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. In other words, these peptides inhibit muscle contraction, which is beneficial when correcting the appearance of mimic wrinkles, which may become deeper over time. Think frown lines, laughter lines, crows feet, “11” wrinkles, and lip lines.

Acetylcholine is an organic molecule and ester of acetic acid and choline. It is one of the several neurotransmitters in the automatic nervous system that aids muscle contraction. Since freezing peptides suppress acetylcholine, they produce a similar effect as Botox and other dermal fillers. However, where Botox and other dermal fillers temporarily paralyze the muscle, neurotransmitter peptides prevent the message ‘to contract’ from ever being received by the muscle rather than paralyzing it.

Not all peptides have this function though.

Types of Freezing Peptides

There are three primary peptides that produce the “freezing” function. These include:

  • Argireline (acetyl hexapeptide 8) – this peptide effects muscle contraction in the pre-synaptic membrane. In other words it decreases excessive neurotransmitter release and overproduction of catechomlomines, which are derived from tyrosine. As one of our educators put it, this would be like you covering your mouth as you were speaking to someone else. The message would not be released or sent. Argireline produces a similar function.
  • Inyline (acetyl hexapeptide 30) – this is a fairly new peptide that specifically targets wrinkle expression through a post-synaptic approach, which means it blocks muscle-specific kinase. Using the example above, this would be like you covering your ears while someone is talking to you. The message would not be received. Inyline acts in a similar fashion, blocking the muscle from “hearing” the message ‘to contract.’
  • Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate – a small peptide that mimics the polypeptide found in the venom of the Temple Viper. This is a tri-peptide that targets neuromuscular activity to smooth existing lines and wrinkles, and prevent future ones from appearing.

With these freezing peptides, the message to contract becomes unclear, therefore the action of muscle contraction is weakened and the wrinkle is not formed. These peptides are tremendous assets in re-youth regimens and as age-prevention tools. They can be added to any pro-youth or skin-building regimen.

They can be found in our Eye Revitalizer, Amino Peptide Serum, Peptide 38, and REDMethod Wrinkle Diminisher.

Question: How do educate clients about “freezing” peptides?